Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Conservative vs Liberal

What is conservative? What does that mean to you? I have the feeling that individual meanings vary greatly. But beyond that, I would also bet that the majority of Americans have no real concept of the true meaning.

Here's my point: Conservative refers to a very narrow interpretation of law. In other words, the letter of the law. If it doesn't say it in black and white - it ain't so! Now on the other hand, liberal refers to the spirit of the law. What did the legislators want to happen when they enacted the law? What did they expect to accomplish? You simply cannot reduce everything to words on paper so every law requires interpretation. That is where the administrative branch (I know there is no such branch per se) comes in. Public administrators are charged with the responsibility of interpreting law and putting rules into effect. Sometimes that occurs with a great deal of latitude. Conservatives would say that is not good, while liberals would tell you that it is necessary.

Now to the crux. We have the left wing which has its point of view and the platform points that go with it. It varies in degrees from just left of center to far left depending up how "liberal" the individual's belief structure fits into the spectrum. We also have the right wing that also has its point of view and the platform points that go with it. It also varies in degrees from just right of center to far right depending upon how "conservative" the individual's belief structure fits into the spectrum. BUT and this is a big but, is it truly liberal and conservative at this point? I don't think so. Here is why: I believe that the true conservative is the centrist. Right smack dab in the middle! That is the person who does not vary from the letter of the law. People in the far left are left wing liberals. People in the far right are right wing liberals. The people who are farther to the left or farther to the right have their agenda that is not written in true letter of the law but rather, have their interpretation as to the spirit of the law or what "should be." Both sides believe strongly that their concept for society is the correct one. The one that creates the best in society.

Unfortunately, there is little respect for opposing viewpoints. That makes it tough for compromise and work for what is best for the country. It is sad and makes us all cynical about the political process because when issues are dealt with along party lines, it is obvious that political agenda is the work of the day, not what is best for the country!

Our president and legislators should be ashamed of themselves!

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