Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Jerry Falwell

It seems to me.............

Jerry Falwell is dead! I find it necessary to comment on this guy. The news media are having a great time talking about him......and all the things he did. Let me see........he taught intolerance...........he taught self-righteousness......he got rich from getting people to send him money....in the name of God. Jesus taught selling your posessions to give to the poor. He took money from the poor to get rich. Jesus taught us to love one another. He taught hatred and non-forgiveness.

Yes, he is proof positive that people, particularly Americans, will believe any garbage you put out there as long as you package it right. They will believe anything!

I think the world is a better place without him. I wish a few more of his kind would take the same trip. I suspect he will have to answer for his transgressions at the final judgement. I highly doubt God is very pleased with him!

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