Tuesday, May 15, 2007

It seems to me...........

It seems to me...........is a regular occurrence on this blog. It is my editorial on things in this world.

It seems to me that George W. Bush is not the smartest president we have ever had. He just may be the least smartest individual to occupy that office. I think he tried to utilize some of the characteristics of the Reagan presidency but is not bright enough to pull it off. Watch his fellow republicans abandon him as the year progresses and gets ever closer to the election year. They will abandon him like rats abandoning a sinking ship. It's too bad it took this long for people to wise up!

It seems to me that the American people are easily sold a "bill of goods." I doubt the American electorate has much intelligence placed in their voting choices. They will go with what ever is popular or they perceive to be popular. That is how GWB got to be president.....along with some shifty work by a number of entities of the government.....perhaps the republican party. But the republican party noted the power of the media to influence the American electorate and how easily the American people are "sold" on an idea or political ideology. So they simply set out to purchase the American media. Hey, it has worked pretty well......wouldn't you say?

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