Friday, May 18, 2007

War and Politics

It seems to me............

It seems to me that George W. Bush just doesn't get it! Congress passed legislation that set a timetable for the return of our troops from Iraq. Bush vetoed it.......surprise surprise! So then he said he looked forward to working with congress to draft a bill he could sign. Okay, so congress made some concessions, dropping the timeline and placed that before him. No deal. Is this guy stupid or does he just act like it? When will he get it that this war thing is going nowhere and American lives are going down the drain left and right? Not only are our people dying daily, the surviving soldiers are being left physically and emotionally scared beyond recognition!

Someone needs to sit accross from him.........may as well put Cheney next to him.....and drive it into his skull that the American people are sick to death of their stupidity!

As I drove past the gas stations, I see the price of gas is at $3.45 today. Good God! What has happened to this country? We will be paralized soon because we will be driven into depression because inflation will skyrocket. Things do not bode well for America as this insanity prevails!

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