Thursday, May 24, 2007

Unintelligent President

It seems to me...........

I don't know if there is such a word as unintelligent. But it seems apt for describing George W. Bush. Daily there are examples to illustrate this thought.

George W. Bush said today that Iraq is at the center of terrorism. Young people would respond with "duh!" But the problem here is that he is the one that caused this! This guy destablilized Iraq. Yes, I know that Saddam Hussein was a nasty guy. But there are a lot of nasty guys in Iraq and accross the middle east. Osama Bin Laden is a nasty guy. They all have a lot of nasty friends. They all act in the name of Islam. If you remove 100 nasty guys from the area, there are still millions left! It is the middle eastern mentality. So go figure, terrorism is only under control when a dominant nasty guy is at the helm.

I have noticed that George W. Bush repeats the same thing over and over, even when it has been proven to not be true. Does he think if he repeats it enough times, people will believe him? I think this only proves the unintelligence of George W. Bush!

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