Tuesday, May 15, 2007

It seems to me...........

It seems to me that there is a definate correlation to republican control of the presidency and unemployment. Actually, if you look at the statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, you can see that it does in fact show a rise in unemployment during republican control and a lowering of unemployment during democratic control. Now..........I wondered why that would be..considering that the common belief is that the republicans are driven by big business. Wouldn't full employment be better for business? Would they not be maximizing their potential by operating at full capacity? But then............wait a minute.........that would give labor too much power! The labor would be the limiting factor and therefore there would be power in that. So......if you raise unemployment......labor is on their heels, needing to protect their jobs, so they would be in a position of weakness! Hence.........unemployment is good for business! The business owner is in control and labor is not. Why do you think we are tapping into the cheap labor that is in abundance in China? Of course! Now American labor has no power whatever!

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